Browsing: Blockchain

Blockchain mining is not like our real-life mine mining is digging real mines, it digs is actually digital currency, and has nothing to do with the mine.

It's well known that gaming is growing faster than ever before, though for many people getting online just for fun is now no longer their main driver. The rise of blockchain gaming has revolutionized the landscape of the gaming industry by making players the primary financial decision makers.

Smart contracts are self-implemented computer programs that automatically execute the text of a contract between two or more parties.

With the help of AIGC technology to generate digital doppelgängers or virtual people, it is possible to allow every real person to realize man-machine collaborative work through virtual images at the technological level, to get rid of people from basic repetitive labor, and to further emancipate the productivity of the society in a low-marginal-cost and high-efficiency way.