Search Results: IoT (27)

In August, Google Cloud said it would discontinue its core IoT services and give customers a month to migrate their IoT devices; these back-to-back announcements have forced people to think about the future of IoT in general.

IOT refers to a network of interconnected computing devices, machines, objects, animals and people that can share data with other devices and systems over the network.

The urgent need for data for enterprises that are reshaping their platforms for the digital age has spurred a proliferation of IoT implementations across multiple industries, including industrial manufacturing, agriculture and retail.

From personalized customer service and stay comfort to improved facility management, leveraging the Internet of Things in the hospitality industry can provide the customer satisfaction needed to stay competitive while helping hotels, restaurants and conference centers reduce costs.

Although there are many ways for companies to create value through Internet products, we find that there are six main ways for companies to make money from Internet of Things products.

Open data is one of the keys to successful smart city implementation. It can help identify and solve citizens' problems, ensure accountability of municipal officials and create new business opportunities.