Search Results: blockchain (46)

Called one of the world-changing technologies of the 21st century, blockchain has become an industry hotspot, and investors can go about blockchain investing in three ways, based on investing in digital currencies, related stocks, and related startups.

When a new technology appears, people tend to think that it is just an upgrade and iteration of the previous technology, and most of them will just use the previous thinking to understand and apply it, just like today's web3.0 based on the application of blockchain technology, we also need to completely abandon our preconceptions to understand it.

In the cryptocurrency world, consensus mechanisms are protocols and algorithms that enable computer networks to work together to ensure network security. 51% of the nodes in the network must agree on the global status of the network in order to reach a consensus.

The first application of blockchain is Bitcoin. Blockchain has become the promoter of "decentralized currency Internet" by providing power for cryptocurrency. By providing transparency, accountability, immutability and security, the blockchain soon triggered an influx of more cryptocurrencies. Today, we have more than 10000 different cryptocurrencies in circulation.