Search Results: cryptocurrency (7)

CoinSmart Chain is a new blockchain with a mature environment for developing high-performance decentralized applications. It is designed for cross-chain compatibility with CoinSmartChain to ensure that users get the advantages of both.

Called one of the world-changing technologies of the 21st century, blockchain has become an industry hotspot, and investors can go about blockchain investing in three ways, based on investing in digital currencies, related stocks, and related startups.

In the cryptocurrency world, consensus mechanisms are protocols and algorithms that enable computer networks to work together to ensure network security. 51% of the nodes in the network must agree on the global status of the network in order to reach a consensus.

Blockchain Wallet is a digital wallet that allows users to manage bitcoin and ethereum.Blockchain Wallet is powered by Blockchain, a software company founded by Peter Smith and Nicolas Cary.

Since the launch of the white paper in 2008, Bitcoin has received unprecedented attention, especially since the first transaction of Bitcoin and its ten million fold increase in ten years, every sharp rise and fall of Bitcoin has become the focus of attention and caused huge controversy.